Just one of the fictims of the war in Europe was Jack L Williamson serialnumber O-1182744 came from Appleton in Autagamie county ,Wisconsin.
Jack was the oldest of three sons and became an second lieutenant in the 907th Glider Field Artillery Battalion (907th GFA) of the 101st airborne division and enlisted in the army on 26th August 1942.
Lt Williamson served as an air observer in the 907th GFA which meant that he while flying in an airplane directed their own artillery batteries in support of the infantry units.
During the first days of Market Garden their artillery was still in position n the drop,-/landingzone.
These small airplanes called pipercub L-4's came in by several trucks and were easily to handle. The airplane in wich Jack flew was piloted by first luitenant John M Sherry of the 101st Divisional Headquarters.
while flying above Hell’s Highway between St oedenrode and Eerde on the 24thof september 1944 the came under heavy german small arms fire and went down near the village of Eerde. Both members the pilot and observer were killed during the crash.
The remains of the piper cub liason plane of Lt.Jack L Williamson and Lt. John M Sherry near Eerde.
Jack L Williamson was buried on Son cemetery in plot B row 3 grave number 53 and Lt. John M Sherry in grave number 52.
Later Jack was reburied back in the United States, John M Sherry went to US Cemetery,Margraten and was reburied in plot J row 17 gravenumber 4.
Additional information provided by Kristin Taormina